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Payout rates to private institutions or schools located outside Illinois for 2024-25

Payout rates to private institutions or schools located outside Illinois are determined each year just before the school year begins. Rates vary for the different types of prepaid tuition plans. The amounts paid to a private or out-of-state college for the 2024-25 school year are:

Semester Institutions:
Community College or Choice 1 Community College: $169.90 per credit hour
University (plans purchased prior to 2008): $577.97 per credit hour
Choice 2 (University): $537.47 per credit hour
Choice 3 (University Plus): $669.67 per credit hour
Quarter Institutions
Community College or Choice 1 Community College: $113.27 per credit hour
University (plans purchased prior to 2008): $385.31 per credit hour
Choice 2 (University): $358.31 per credit hour
Choice 3 (University Plus): $446.44 per credit hour

College Illinois! does not issue a payment for tuition and fees until the school sends the Program an itemized bill after each semester begins. Payments to schools typically take 30-45 days to process after schools submit a tuition bill.